Saturday, May 11, 2013


I feel like I have hit a plateau in my weight loss journey. I have tried to incorporate more carbs in my diet and switch things up but that is not working. I stopped drinking coffee and tea but that's not working either.

Now I have to admit with all of the weddings, birthday parties, get togethers, and such lately I've been lazy and eating whatever I want. I like to go by how my clothes fit rather than the actual number on the scale. Don't get me wrong the scale gets put to use but it depresses me so I try not to weigh myself that much.

I've been doing 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels but unfortunately my DVD has a huge imperfection in it so I can only do the first workout. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately that suggest Taebo by Billy Blanks for loosing that extra puff around the arms and tummy. I'm thinking about incorporating that plus the 30 Day Shred....once I get it fixed or traded out.
I've also gone back to straight Paleo in the hope that all of this combined will help me lose a few extra pounds and tone up.

This may seem vain to some but this is how I feel about my body and lifestyle. I want to be healthy and not have jiggle.....nobodies trying to get a Beyonce bod here! Although that would be great....

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